I absolutely love being married! It's the greatest and most enjoyable adventure of my life!
For the most part, George and I have gotten used to our daily routines...all though they aren't quite consistent yet! Every morning, I wake George up and usually he acknowledges me with a grunt or pretends like he is already awake. But this morning he did something a little different!
Becky: George...it's time for you to get up!
George: *Annoyed grunt
Becky: (a little more firmly) George, you need to get up!
George: *Rolls over grumpily...obviously ignoring me
Becky: Laying there stunned thinking "he never ignores me!"(I was slightly offended by his reply!) *Shaking him now. George, you really need to get up, you're going to be late!
George: *Turns over. "You are so mean!" *Than rolls back over
Becky: (Dumbstruck and feeling horrible) "I'm sorry baby! I was just trying to wake you up on time...."
Finally he turned back over looking really sad and explained to me that he just had a dream that we were driving in the car and I was listing off all the things I hated about him!
Isn't it weird how emotions you have while dreaming roll over to real life? But it did encourage me to be a better wife and to make sure I tell my husband more things I love about him. I'd much rather him dream about how much his wife loves him than how much she hates him.
So George,
here is a list of just a few things
I ♥ about you!
: )
1. You're my best friend... as stated in my wedding vow!
2. You listen to me
3. You love to shop
4. You're sexy
5. You never raise your voice at me... even as frustrating as I am to be around some times
6. You will ALWAYS take time out of your work day to listen to the boring things that happen to me!
7. You really don't ignore me
8. You defend me
9. Your brown eyes!
10. The freckles on your lips
11. How great you are with kids...(it assures me what a great dad you'll be someday!)
12. How you will talk to anyone!
13. You laugh at my stupid jokes
14. You laugh at your own stupid jokes
15. You don't gossip
16. You love to cuddle
17. You let Fritz sleep on your pillow
18. You let me beat you at games
19. You are sooo smart!
20. You like buying me things!
21. You're honest with me
22. You pinky promise sealed with a kiss
23. You're crazy hair that is perfect when you wake up!
24. You're wonderful sense of style!
25. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you always tilt your head and pull on your hair
26. I can beat your at wrestling
27. You're adventurous
28. You help me with laundry
29. If it was up to you, you'd clean the toilet every 6 months! hahaha!
30. You're so kind to my family!
31. Your impression of catching a touchdown!
32. You tell me i'm beautiful at least once a day
33. You can't touch anything that is hotter than luke warm
34. Your middle name is the same name as my pet turtle growing up
35. My cat has the same name as your grandpa. : )
36. You rap to my singing!
37. You're a great guitar player!
38. You taught me how to spin my pen!
39. You pretend to know how to speak French!
40. You always have such confidence in yourself!
41. You inspire and encourage me everyday!
42. You are such a hard worker!
43. You make great announcements! : )
44. You rub my feet!!!
45. You are so patient
46. You're a really good driver
47. You make sandwiches out of all your meals!
48. You're so easy to please!
49. How you always sing with a song even if you don't know the words...you just make some up!
50. You have great taste in music! (I told you so)
I could probably go on forever...but for the sake of anyone else reading this blog, I'll keep the rest between us two.
I ♥ you Georgie.
A New Take On An Old Topic
13 years ago
1 comment:
so cute!
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