Wednesday, June 10, 2009

An Aha Moment. Written: May 9th, 2007

Ok, So this is a blog I wrote a long time ago...and I understand it's incredibly long...but it made me smile rembering this...and it made me think all over again what moments i'm missing because I'm too busy for them. So if you read this, I hope you can take something out of this too...

2 years ago.......

I woke up this morning at 8 because I had to work at noon...I know weird of me.
My mother came into my room at around 7. She usually does this to say bye to me before she goes to work. Most of the time though, I'm so tired I just grunt a little and turn over as she says her good-bye.

But today was a little different she came in to tell me good-bye because she was leaving to go into surgery. Although I have known about this surgery for a while I never really thought about it much seeing I have a job and school...I just kinda blew it out of my mind. The worst part about this whole thing was, when she came in to tell me good-bye, I went through my usual routine I go through with her everday. A grunt that sounds faintly like a goodbye and a turn over.

It didn't occur to me what I had actually done until I was going to put my make-up on and realized it was in my car. I run into the garage, open my door...or at least try to. I locked my keys in my car.(for those who know me well, yes laugh it up chuckles. This is a typical Becky-ism.) Since I live home now, I didn't think this would be an issue. But then I realized, My spare key was on my moms key chain...which is with my NOW!

It was like someone smacked me across the face with reality! I didn't even tell her I loved her or gave her any sort of recognition that I even cared...

I did what instinctly do when things like this happen(lock my keys in my car), and call my moms cell phone. Knowing this probably wouldn't work I tried anyway. No one answered. So I called my grandma in a panic. Luckily she was there at the hospital. I called her freaking out. Not because my mom was in surgery but because I needed my keys before 11 or I couldn't go to work. She said that she'd bring them by and everything will be fine. I hung up with her while relieving myself of some major stress build up. But then once again it hit me...I'm more worried about not making it to work than not being able to drive to the hospital to see my mom...

I stopped for a minute. I layed in bed just recapping my last couple hours. Then the past few days, few weeks, few months even. I thought about how much time i've actually spent with my family in these past months.

It's been minimal.

Then I did something I never do. I called work and asked if I could just have the day off because my mom went into surgery. Luckily Issac was really understanding and i'll thank him for that later.

I have the day off. I still didn't have my car but I called my grandma back and told her I had the day off, and so she doesn't have to worry about being in a rush. She was already on her way to bring me my keys anyways though. When she got here, I just gave her a hug. I can't remember the last time I had seen my grandma. It was at least a few weeks ago though(Which is weird for me because my family is so close). She told me my mom was fine, she was coughing a lot and saying how thirsty she was but she'll be alright she's just a little out of it.

My grandma told me that my step dad would call when she wakes up so I could go see her. So in the mean time, I thought i'd spend the rest of my morning doing something for my mom. I started making her cookies.

Cookies have been my gift lately, I don't know why. Maybe i've found boxed cake to be too easy. I started making cookies with the TollHouse chocolate chip cookie recipe on the bag. It didn't occur to me until I was almost done that I only had a few chocolate chips left in the bag. I could have done one of two things.

1. go to walmart and buy more chocolate chips
2. search my house for a substitute.

I chose 2. because honestly, does it really matter what KIND of chocolate chips you put in right?.... Apparently it does. My cookies turned into mush and WOULDN'T COOK! Maybe I did something wrong while making them but the chocolate chips didn't melt...they just...didn't work!
For your enjoyment to those still reading this I took a picture of them.

They actually don't look bad but these are cookies that had been cooked for 20 minutes and are still mushy. So...who even knows.

Anyways, I gave up on the cookies and since then i've been writing this blog.
There are three things i've learned today thus far.

1. My mom is my favorite person in the world, I hope she knows that, and if not, I'm going to spend the rest of my life letting her know.
2. My priorities are in a serious need of re-arranging. seriously, if I listed off the things I worry about in a day and the things I spend most of my time doing, my life would sound pathetic.
3. Chocolate chips are not just chocolate. TollHouse makes sure if you don't use TollHouse, you're screwed.

the end.

1 comment:

Bryson Baham said...

Family really should be the #1 priority in our lives. Ever since I moved out, I've been realizing this more and more. I'll find excuses to drive up to my parent's house and just hang out with them. I know, I could have done that all the time when I was still living there, but I didn't. So, now I'm trying to make up for lost time.