Saturday, March 13, 2010

Siamese Cat.

So tonight was an interesting night. It started off much like most nights...George and I were just home playing a game... talking. Than we both start craving ice cream. After discussing for about 30 minutes where we were going to go get ice cream, we just decide to go to Wal-Mart pick up ice cream and take it home. (This is when the story gets interesting I promise)

So I'm driving on I-93 to go to Wal-Mart and all the sudden I see a cat in the road! But it wasn't dead! I saw it's eyes and it was sitting up! I was like "OH MY GOSH!!! THERE WAS A CAT IN THE ROAD!" George didn't think much of it because there are a lot of cats whose lives sadly end on that stretch of road so he figured it was dead. But I knew it wasn't! So, I did what my humanitarian self would immediately react to do. I turned the car around. George starts freaking out "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!". I replied, "I have to save that cat! It's going to get hit!"

Sure enough when we got back to where the cat was we found it just still sitting in the middle of the road! I was scared to death I was going to witness this cat get run over. But every car that zoomed passed it missed it by inches! So when the cars cleared I ran out into the middle of the road and grabbed that cat(really not thinking what course of action I would take next) and took it back to my car. The cat was definitely alive but very limp....but it started purring as soon as I grabbed it.

I hurried and took it back to my house! Since it was so dark I couldn't tell if it was bleeding or seriously hurt. When I got home I put the cat down and it kind of toppled over. So I then thought maybe it couldn't walk. But a moment later it dashed away into the kitchen and hid.

So now what. We have a seemingly healthy cat running around our house with no collar. My first instinct was to take a picture of it and post fliers all around the neighborhood and keep the cat in the garage. But after discussing it over, we concluded the best thing to probably do is take it to the part of neighborhood closest to where we found the cat.

So we took the street near the highway and let it loose. He looked around for a second than ran off(really looking like he knew where he was... or at least i'm really hoping)

I can't help but just wonder why it was just sitting there in the middle of the road. When we found it, it had what looked like a bloody nose so the only thing I can think is maybe it just got side swiped by a car or something and got to wind knocked out of it... regardless...I really am hoping and praying that cat finds it's way home...

I guess it's out of my hands now... but at least I know I wont be seeing that cat on the side of the road tomorrow...


Nate & Mandi said...

You are a good person!!! I do stuff like that too and Nate gets so mad, ha ha.

cathouse teri said...

I love that cat story. Miao. :)

Becky Jo & George Ortiz said...

The kitty reminded me of Puss-Puss... But it was a good cat story...But most cat stories are good stories. : )